Thursday, October 17, 2024

How to Attract a Perfect Mate – Loneliness be Gone

I will describe a very unconventional but effective way for you to attract the person you always wanted. 

Someone whom you have always dreamed about, but thought it was impossible, and now you’ll find out it is possible. This technique can also be used to attract other things in your life, including money.

Attracting a Perfect Mate

Did you know your thinking is the reason you can’t find a mate. Yes, the thought process is the key to everything you’re attracting, including money. 

I will show you how to improve your thinking so you can attract what you want. You are already attracting what you put your attention to, so make it something you want instead of what you don’t want.

What you put your attention to is the key element here. If your attention is on: why can’t I find a mate? Then you have already roll played it your mind that it is difficult to find one. Let’s change that, let’s reprogram what you put your attention too and your life will change drastically.

Out there somewhere is a partner who is a perfect match for you, and that’s what you want, right? Are your dreams aligned with your thoughts and actions? We will find out.

My vision to find the perfect mate is that we get along well. We bring the best out of each other, and we have a great time together We allow each other to be who we are without judgment, and we grow and expand together to new levels of being and understanding. 

We’re both self-sufficient, but together we are one. It’s exciting thinking about it, and I can feel myself being in that place.

If this wonderful person hasn’t manifested yet, it’s because you’re not ready. What does “not being ready mean?” It means you’re not aligned with your thoughts yet. 

You are still in: maybe that person is the one, or maybe that one, or maybe that one. Or let’s play that game, I like you, but I will pretend not too.

When you’re ready, you won’t have to play any games, you will know, and they will know when it’s right. You will both feel it without question. Sure, there might be some question, but that is your logical mind talking. Your feelings know better. So let’s see how you can attract that person you want, and how they want you.

You will attract into your life what your dominate feeling is. You’re supposed to get what you want, and what you want and what you believe is possible, should be in alignment with each other. 

Wanting something and believing it’s hard to get or impossible to get is sabotaging what you want. It’s neutralizing what could be delivered to you and you to it.

How you feel and think is the only thing that you have control of. With that knowledge, you can have the person of your dreams. That person is waiting for you just as much as you are waiting for them. Let’s get into alignment so you can be with that person you want.

When you plan for a vacation you get organized in your thoughts. You get pictures of the place’s you’re going to. You make reservations. 

You make a list of all the things you are bringing. You board your dog, etc. You’re not going someplace that you think is impossible to get to, right? So you’re thinking and the place that you’re going to is in alignment.

What about attracting a person that you have never met before, is the process the same? Yes it is! The approach is different, the alignment is the same. In your mind fast forward to after the date has ended and feel the satisfaction of how well it went. 

See yourself laughing, have an endless conversation where you feel really connected with this person. You are having a really fun time. You see yourself after the date, and you are smiling, awaiting the next date. You have to focus your attention there; this is where you want to be, it’s called deliberate creation.

Make up your own idea and vision of what you want, this is only an example. The point is, you want to feel that feeling so it is so real that it will manifest before you. You will draw it in because you feel it, and you believe it.

Before long and with practice you won’t leave your house until you have decided in your mind how you want your day to go. Don’t pay too much attention to the details; those will work themselves out for you. Only think and feel the important aspects of what you want.


This is a process that will never end. You will improve in all areas of your life, and life will deliver to you the things and people you want according to how you feel and think about yourself.

Read my other articles:

How To Find The Ultimate Relationship?

Finding My Life Partner – How Will I know?

Should You Feel Chemistry on The First Date?

Make Her Yours Forever?
